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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Saint Matthias    Feast Day May 14th, formerly 24 February

Saint Matthias Feast Day May 14th, formerly 24 February

Saint Matthias was the person chosen, by the disciples to replace Judas Iscariot. In the Acts of the Apostles we read that Peter stood up in the company - there were 120 of them in the room at the time and spoke about the need to replace Judas Iscariot who had betrayed Jesus. Two followers were nominated Matthias and Barnabas. The company prayed and the ‘lot’ fell upon Matthias. Five traditions are mentioned in wikipedia. The tradition of the Greeks say he planted the faith about Cappadocia and the coasts of the Caspian Sea, living near the port of Issus. According to Nicephorus he preached first in Judaea and then Aethiopia (modern Georgia) - and stoned to death. The Synopsis of Dorotheus suggests he went to Ethiopia and was buried near the temple of the Sun. Another suggests he was stoned in Jerusalem by the local populace and then beheaded. According to Hippolytus he died of old age in Jerusalem. His Feast day, in the Roman calendar, was 24th February (25th on a leap year) . In 1969 it was transfered to 24th of May. I have included the prayer for Saint Matthias . Sources wikipedia and the Church’s year by Charles Alexander.
John Bertram Phillips or J.B. Phillips   (1906-1982)

John Bertram Phillips or J.B. Phillips (1906-1982)

He is probably best remembered as J.B. Phillips the translator/ author ofThe New Testament in Modern English which was published in 1958. During World War II (1939-45), while down in the bomb shelters, he began to translate The New Testament, from the original Greek, into modern English. He started with the epistle to the Colossians. The results appealed to the young people. The positive feedback after the war resulted in him translating the rest of the New Testament into colloquial English.Initially he had problems to find a publisher but with the help of C.S. Lewis, author of The Narnia Chronicles, Geoffrey Bles agreed to help. ** Letters to Young Churches came first in1947. Eleven years later in 1958 the complete New Testament was published. From someone who suffered from clinical depression throughout his life this was an incredible achievement. He described the revelation he received, as he translated the New Testament, as ’ extraordinarily alive’. Main source - Wikipedia
Wang Mung-Dao (1900-1991)

Wang Mung-Dao (1900-1991)

Wang Mung -Dao was born in Beijing, China. As a child he experienced extreme poverty and repeated illness but lived to be 90 years of age. As a child he attended the London Missionary Society School. He dream was to be a great political instead he became a Christian pastor. Aged 14 he converted to Christianity. He became a very successful independent Chinese Protestant pastor. From February 1925 until 1955 he began holding religious meetings. He founded the Christian tabernacle which by 1937 had its own building seating a congregation of several hundred. he had an itinerant ministry throughout China visiting 24 out of 28 provinces taking the pupit in churches of 30 different denominations. In 1955 the Chinese government imprisoned him for his faith. For 25 years he was kept in jail - finally released in 1980. It was after his imprisonment that he wrote the 6 books mentioned. On his release he had many foreign visitors which worried the authorities. Betwee 1987 -1989 he became frail and his mental abilities noticeably declined. I 1991 he was diagnose with blood clots and he died on July 28th 1992. One authority noted 'he remained an unrivaled symbol of uncompromising faith until his death.’ Source used wikipedia.
Charles Spurgeon  (1834- 1892)  Prince of Preachers

Charles Spurgeon (1834- 1892) Prince of Preachers

Charles Haddon Sturgeon was strong figure in the Reformed Baptist Tradition. Although he died over a 100 years ago his work is still read/quoted/used by preachers today -such is his influence still. He has been called the Prince of Preachers. His oratory skills are said to have held his listeners spell bound in the Metropolitan Tabernacle where he preached for 38 years. Converted at aged 15 he gave his first sermon aged 16 . The quality of his sermons were very quickly recognised and aged only 19, following three months on probation, he was called to the pastorate at London’s New Park Street Chapel which had the largest baptist congregation in London. His ability as a preacher soon made him famous His sermons, which lasted up to two hours were carefully prepared. He wrote it out in full but only took notes up into the pulpit.in 1855 the first of his sermons were published in the* New Park Street Pulpit* Stenographers would write his sermon down. Charles would check it and it would then be immediately published and sold for 1 penny a copy. In 1861 the church moved to the new purpose built Metropolitan Tabernacle which held 5,000 seated and 1, 000 standing. He published a vast amount of religious material - see works list. He was anti slavery . His ministry was not without controversy. He opposed the liberal and pragmatic theological tendencies in the church of his day - see information about Downgrade Source- wikipedia and have included a short crossword and word search.
Ravi Zacharias

Ravi Zacharias

Ravi Zacharias is an Indian born Canadian- American evangelist. Billy Graham in 1986 introduced Ravi as one of the most articulate young evangelists of our time. That was 34 years ago;. he is now in his early 70’s . In 1984 the Ravi Zacharis International Ministries (RZIM) was founded in Toronto, Canada to pursue his calling as a classical evangelist in the arena of the intellectual resistance. RZIM looks at evangelism, apologetics, training, spiritual discipline and wellbeing. Today it is based in Atlanta , Georgia with offices in 11 countries. He is renown for his sermons and lectures across the world. he routinely speaks on the coherence of the Christian worldview. saying that Christianity is capable of withstanding the toughest attacks. He is the author of 32 Christian books. He has spent the last 56 years commending the Christian faith and addressing life’s existential questions - origin, meaning, morality and destiny with elequence and grace. There is a great of information on Goggle. He can be both seen and heard. Sources wikipedia and* Ambassadors for Christ * John .D. Woodbridge -general editor
Saint Richard (1197-1253)  former bishop of Chichester

Saint Richard (1197-1253) former bishop of Chichester

.Richard Wych or Wich lost his parents, who were of a gentry family, when he was very young. He and his brother were left as orphans and cheated of their inheritance. Richard was clever and became a student at Oxford University. In 1223 he became chancellor of the university. In 1233 he was whisked away by Saint Edmund Rich, the Archbishop of Canterbury to be his chancellor (1233-1240). Edmund quarreled with King Henry III and went into exile in France where he died in 1240. Richard studied to be a priest at Orleans and came back to the UK to become a parish priest. The new archbishop, Boniface of Savoy, asked him to become his chancellor and wanted him to become the archbishop of Chichester. The king was unhappy and declared no one should shelter him! With the intervention of Pope Innocent IV he became the archbishop. He was a reforming archbishop, of simple habits, generous in his charities and held the post form 1245 until his death in 1253. He provided vicarages for his clergy but insisted they remained celibate - unmarried, said the Mass reverently and instructed their congregations in the meaning of the sacraments. He was aa kindly, good man who was much loved by all the people. Included Richard’s prayer, and a black/white outline of Saint Richard. Sources The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander and catholicireland website.
Saint Anskar   ( c 801-865) Feast Day 3rd of February

Saint Anskar ( c 801-865) Feast Day 3rd of February

His name can be spelled Anskar, Ansgar or Anchar. He was born in France. Of noble birth he entered the Benedictine abbey of Corbie in Picardy to be educated. He became a monk and after 823 he taught in the local monastic school at Corvey. In 826 he was dispatched Denmark by the Carolingian emperor, Louis 1 the Pious, to assist Harald, the exiled Danish king, in evangelising his savage Danes. Anskar laid the foundations of the church in Denmark and started a school to train Danish youths as priests. But in 827/8 Harald was driven out by the heathen. Anskar , with his friend Witmar, made the dangerous journey to Sweden. They were robbed on their way to Brika, an island off the coast. They stayed there for 2 years. In 831 Anskar became abbot of Corvey and the first bishop of Hamburg. For 15 years he founded monasteries, opened schools and teaching his congregations. In 834 Louis endowed him Turholt Abbey Later he became archbishop of Iceland, Greenland and Scandinavia. Things changed after the death of Louis1 in 1840. In 1845 Northmen destroyed Hamburg. Sweden and Denmark rejected Christianity and returned to paganism. In 847, with Louis the German, king of the East Franks, on the throne Anskar became bishop of Bremen. He revived evangelism in both Sweden and Denmark - both kings were converted to Christianity. He even thwarted a pagan rebellion. In 854 he returned to Hamburg - there he devoted himself to his diocese and reducing the horrors of slavery. He had wanted to die a martyr. His followers said his whole life had been a martyrdom of hardship, danger and self=sacrifice. Rimbert, his successor, wrote his biography. he proclaimed Anskar a saint. Pope Nicholas 1 agreed. Ansker was cannonized in 865, the year he died. (Rimbert or Rembert - different sources) Sources used Britannica and The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander.
Pope Leo 1 ( c400-461)   Feast Day now  November 10th

Pope Leo 1 ( c400-461) Feast Day now November 10th

Leo 1 was the first Pope to be called great. He was Bishop of Rome from 440-461. He was a Roman aristocrat of the fifth century when the Roman Empire was being invaded from all directions. He is probably best remembered for persuading Attila the Hun not to invade Italy. With 2 unarmed men he persuaded Attila not to advance on Rome. He is also one of the four doctors of the church and is remembered for his* Tome* which was a major foundation to the dabates of the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon which dealt primarily with Christology. He galvanized charitable works in Rome which had many famines, an influx of refugees and poverty. He is also associated with the practice of charity and alms giving - especially quarterly Ember days Former Pope Benedict XV1 (2005-2013) said that Leo’s papacy was undoubtedly one of the most important in the Church’s history. Sources - britannica, wikipedia and* TheChurch’s Year* by Charles Alexander
Josh  McDowell

Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell is an Evangelical Protestant Christian apologist and evangelist. He is a living power house for Jesus Christ. Josh has probably spoken to more high school and college students than anyone else in history. Over the years he has talked to more than 7,000,000 young people in 84+ countries including 700 universities and college campuses. He is also author, or co-author, of over 150 books. His book * Evidence That Demands a Verdict* was listed 13th in Christianity Today in list of most influential evangelical books published after World War 11 Not bad for someone brought up by an alcoholic father and someone who as a child/teenager was abused. He went to college to study law. He went to college an agnostic and decided to write a paper examining the historical evidence of the Christian faith in order to disprove it. He found evidence for it and it changed his life. Instead of studying law he studied theology. In 1964 he became a travelling representative of Campus Crusade for Christ International. He continues to have close affiliation with the organization. In 1983 the Josh McDowell Ministry headquarters moved to Richardson and moved to Plano, Texas in 2009. He is also the founder of Josh.org and Operation Carelift. Sources used Wikipedia and Ambassadors for Christ - John D. Woodbridge -general editor
Saint Alphage   Feast day 19th April

Saint Alphage Feast day 19th April

Alphage was born in the village of Weston near Bath. He became a hermit, then a monk, then an abbot. Saint Dunstan appointed him abbot of Bath. He later became Bishop of Winchester (984) and then Archbishop of Canterbury (1005-12. He lived when England was invaded by the Vikings/Danes. He was sent by King Ethelred in 994 to seek peace with Anlaf and Swein. Anlaf became a Christian and kept his promise not to invade England again. In 1011 the Danes overran much of southern England although the tribute had been paid . Canterbury was captured and prominent persons were held for ransom. Alphage refused to pay the £3,000 - fortune in those days, for his own release. ( Following a drunken feast the Danes threw bones etc, at Alphage and an axeman delivered the death blow. Thorkell the Tall, the Danish leader had tried to save his life.On his death Alphage became a national hero. He was originally buried in St. Pauls London . King Canute, in 1023 , had his body transfered to Canterbury. His martyrdom took place in Greenwich, London, where there is now a church dedicated to him. Alphage was declared a saint in 1078. but there were doubts whether he had died for exercising his Christian virtue of of justice rather than professing his Christian faith Sources used Canterbury history, justus. anglican and The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Francis and Edith Schaeffer,  Founders of the L'Abri  Fellowship

Francis and Edith Schaeffer, Founders of the L'Abri Fellowship

The L’Abri Fellowship was founded in 1955 by Francis and Edith Schaeffer in Switzerland. They ran the centres together until Francis death, through cancer, in 1984 - nearly 40 years. L’Abri communities are study centres where individuals have the opportunity to seek answers to honest questions about God and the significance of life.are communities. L’Abri is the French word for shelter. Edith was born In China. Her parents gave her a Chinese name Mei Fuh which means beautiful happiness. Both Francis and Edith were missionaries and also recognised as authors. They met at Beaver College in Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA. (see short note). Dr.Francis Schaeffer was an American evangelical theologian, philosopher and Presbyterian minister. His complete set of books are still available. Few Christians have had a greater impact during the last half of the 20th century (See information sheet on Francis The Time magazine recognised Edith as the world famous missionary to the intellectuals. She wrote numerous books . Her book The Hidden Art of Homemaking (1971) has been influential among women in the Christian Patriarchy movement. In 2000 Edith was listed in Helen Koolman Hosiier’s **** 100 Christian women who Changed the Twentieth Century***. She died, aged 98 at home in Gryon, Switzerland. Sources used Wikipedia, L’Abri Fellowship International and Ambassadors for Christ - John D. Woodbridge (Editor) - author - Frank Schaeffer (son)
Tom Mahairas

Tom Mahairas

Tom Mahairas (1949 to present) was born in Greece but aged 8 moved with his parents to New York City. Just two months short of graduating from George Washington school he was a expelled for having a fist fight with the principal - he was a fully fledged rebel. He was into flower power and a hippie life style. He with his girlfriend Vicky, who he later married, considered themselves seekers of the truth. He then met Bruce. After two hours of questions and answers Bruce invited him to Word of Life Island. On their trip to the island Tom, who was hallucinating, met Robbie Robertson, a white haired man carrying a Bible. Within two days both Tom and Vicky gave their lives to Jesus. ( read note on looking for Jesus) For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3v16. Since 1968, over 50 years, Tom has never stopped sharing that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. I have included his testimony story , the growth of the church in Manhattan and the list of Church organisations he has founded. Sources * Ambassadors for Christ****** John Woodbridge -general editor Citivision
Tokunboh Adeyemo  (1944-2010)

Tokunboh Adeyemo (1944-2010)

Tokunboh Adeyemo was a Muslim who became a world Christian leader. He was born on the 1st October 1944 into a royal Muslim family. He dreamt of being prime Minister of Nigeria by 1973. As the first boy in his family he was set to become the chief in Nigeria’s Oyo Sate. The 1966 coup in Nigera dramatically changed everything. He was put under house arrest. His dream was shattered. Initially he did part from his Muslim upbringing but his quest for for meaning and purpose became urgent. He accepted an invite to a church meeting. Following the sermon he said the sinners prayer. The date was September 13th, 1966. His family on hearing of his conversion disowned him. His mother and siblings, years later, eventually became Christians… He said he never had what people term a ‘call’ but his desire started at his conversion. His ‘working ’ verse was * *Not my might nor by power but by the Spirit, says the Lord’ * * Zechariah 4 v6 Isaac Phiri in Ambassadors for Christ tells us what happened over the next 20 years. He goes to university in Nigeria. Moves to America with no money - he prays and receives money anonymously . In 1977 he awarded a doctorate in Theology. In Scotland in 1979 he is awarded a Ph.D. He marries Ireti and they have two sons. In 1975 Bryan Kato, the secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and Madagascar (AEAM) dies suddenly in a swimming pool accident. Tokunboh in1977 elected to succeed him. He led the AEAM for 25 years. For over 30 years he was a leader in the African Church He wrote a number of books but he is probably best known as the author of Africa Bible Commentary.- which 70 African scholars contributed to. Adeyemo was an African Christian statesman of high repute.* Moses Owojaiye Sources used Ambassadors for Christ Langham Foundation Hong Kong Christianity Today wikipedia
Saint Monica of Hippo   ( c 332-387)  Feast day May 4th

Saint Monica of Hippo ( c 332-387) Feast day May 4th

Saint Monica of Hippo was the mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo. She was born in Thagaste, Numidia (now Souk Ahras, Algeria) in 332. She is an example of those holy matrons, who through their quiet prayers and tears influenced the ancient Church. Her husband Patricius, a pagan as was his mother. They both eventually became Christian. She is remembered for being very persistant. She prayed and wept for 17 years before her son Augustine became a Christian. She had the joy of witnessing Saint Anbrose baptize Augustine in 387 . That same year she died in Ostia, as she and her son gazed at the sea and discoursed about the joys of the blessed. It is through theConfessions of Saint Augustine, which provide biographical detail that we learn most about Monica. Through prayers and tears she gave the great Augustine to the Church of God, and thereby earned for herself a place of honour in the history of God’s kingdom on earth. Sources wikipedia and* The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Saint Anselm -  Archbishop of Canterbury (1093- 1109)  Feast day 21st April

Saint Anselm - Archbishop of Canterbury (1093- 1109) Feast day 21st April

Saint Anselm was born at Aosta in northern in c1033 and died in 1109. Aged only 15 he decided he wanted to become a monk. After his mother died he and a friend made their way to a monastery in Bec ,Normandy where Lanfranc was Prior. There he stayed for the next 37 years. After 4 years he became a Benedictine monk. He then became the Prior and eventually the Abbot. By the Catholic church he is recognised as both a philosopher and theologian. He came to England in c1085 to visit his friend Lanfranc who was now Archbishop of Canterbury. Here in England he was respected for his powers of thought - he knew Christianity could stand up to any inquiry. He used all his powers of mind to make its truths clearer. Lanfranc died in1089. King William Rufus delayed appointing a successor for 3 years until he became ill in Gloucester. He pressed Ansel to become the next Archbishop but he wanted 2 points cleared up first - revenue to be restored to the see of Canterbury and that he would be invested with the pall. ( The pall - a special scarf/cloak which Roman Catholic archbishops are invested by the Pope). A compromise was reached and Ansel became archbishop in 1093.They then disagreed . On the death of William Rufus in 1100 Henry1 became king - more disagreement and Ansel spent time in exile. He was in exile twice from 1197-1100 and 1093- 1109 (Read notes ) In the history books it is known as the* Investiture Controversy*. Today he is remembered more for his writings then the controversy. (see list). I have included a list of editions of Saint Anselm’s works Sources used - wikipedia and The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander Wikipedia has pages of information
Saint Philip the apostle

Saint Philip the apostle

Saint Philip was one of the twelve apostles originally selected by Jesus. He is mentioned several times in the Gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles. He was an eyewitness to Christ’s ministry on earth. It is believed after Christ’s resurrection that he went on to teach in Greece, Syria and Phrygia. Later stories about saint Philip’s life can be found in the anonymous Acts of Philip. In the Appendix it suggests he died a martyr. Another legend suggests he was martyred by beheading in the city of Hierapolis. Sources used wikipedia and The Chuch’s year by Charles Alexander
Saint Dunstan (909-988)   Feast Day  19th May

Saint Dunstan (909-988) Feast Day 19th May

Saint Dunstan was born in the village of Baltonsborough - near Glastonbury, in Somerset, around the year 910. He was educated in Glastonbury and then joined his uncle Athelm, Archbishop of Canterbury at the royal court of King Athelstan. He was banished from court when untrue stories were told about him. He went and stayed with his uncle Bishop Elphege of Winchester who suggested he became a monk. Aged 34 he took up the monastic life. He returned to Gloucester and lived a simple life of manual labour and devotion. He became skilled at copying and illuminating scripts, making church vestments, furniture and plate. On the death of King Athelstan his successor, Edmund, called him back to court as a priest. In no time he became the Abbot of Glastonbury. Back at his place of birth his mission was to reinvigorate the abbey. He established Glastonbury as a leading centre of learning and scholarship. He also had another role. He became the royal advisor first to Edmund and then Eadred. Eadred was often ill and for 9 years Dunstan took the chief place in governing England. He did much to reform both the Church and the State. Edwy, when he became king sent Duncan into exile. Following a revolt Dunstan was brought back to court by Edgar who was now king. He oversaw every detail of the Edgar’s coronation… His ceremony - which emphasised the bond between church and monarch - still forms the basis of royal coronations today Duncan quickly became Bishop of Worcester, then London and finally Archbishop of Canterbury until his death aged 79. Dunstan retired from court in 978 on the murder of Edward. Dunstan died in 988 and was buried in a tomb in his cathedral. (See Final Years 978-988) At the time of his death he was the most popular English saint. I have included a list of kings who Dunstan would have advised and the length of their reigns. Sources wikipedia, British Express, The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Saint Basil the Great (c330-379)

Saint Basil the Great (c330-379)

Saint Basil was born in c329 in Caesarea, Cappadocia. He grew up in a Christian family. He had a brilliant academic career at Caesarea, Constantinople and Athens He decided to become a monk. For a while he became a hermit seeking a life of solitude. He then became the assistant to two Bishops of Caesarea When Eusebius, the second bishop, died in 370 Basil became the bishop. He laid out near the town a great set of community buildings - a church, a bishop’s house, a monastery and a hospital for the poor. He also drew up a monastic Rule which was later widely adapted. He believed that monks should live in communities, working hard at farming and giving practical help to those who lived near by. Up to this point monks had lived a simple life of prayer, spent in a solitary place, living like a hermit. Basil’s Rule predates Saint Benedict ideas. Saint Basil was an eloquent and learned man. Many of his writings, including 300 of his letters, exist today. Glossary Arianism - the Greek theologian Arius suggested that God was superior/not equal to his son Jesus. ascetic - a person given to practise self denial and abstains from the world’s comforts for religious reasons homoiousian - a Christian who believes that the son is of like ( and not identical) substance to the father. Sources used wikipedia, The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander Encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton
St. Clements of Rome (c35 AD- 99 AD)

St. Clements of Rome (c35 AD- 99 AD)

St. Clements of Rome was born shortly after the death of Jesus. He became either the third or fourth Bishop or Pope. It is possible that he heard Saint Paul preach. He wrote a letter to the Corinthians after Saint Paul wrote his letters. It is regarded as the most important first century document after the New Testament. According to apocryphal* acta * he was banished from Rome and sent to work in a stone quarry. He was later martyred by being tied to an anchor and thrown from a boat into the Black Sea. I found my information about St. Clements from wikipedia, Britannica and The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander. I have included information about Domitian, the Roman emperor.
Ralph D. Winter (1924-2009)

Ralph D. Winter (1924-2009)

Ralph D. Walters in 2005 was named by the Time magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America. Dr. Ray Tallman in 2010 said he perhaps was the most influential persons in missions of the last 50 years and has influenced missions globally more than anyone I can think of. It was during the 10 years whilst working as a missionary in Guatemala (1956-1966) that he developed and spearheaded the first Theological Education Extension (TEE) programme. This was a precursor for the modern theological distance programmes and the multi- campus models used today by schools and seminaries. It would allow ministers to improve their education without having to relocate. They would be able to study at extension campuses near their own town or village. He was called a missiologist - he was a strategist, of the highest order. who studied how to improve the function of the Christian Church. Sources used wikipedia and Ambassadors for Christ